How we helped a regional utility company develop a growth strategy for Energy Services

Client wanted to conduct a comprehensive business review of their Energy Services business and develop a growth plan for 2020. The project included:
Current state analysis of the Energy Services business
Sales & Marketing plans for 2020
Applied a cross-functional, outside-in methodology to collaborate with SMEs and key stakeholders to assess the current business and identify gaps, conduct analyses, and determine opportunities for growth

- Used a combination of internal and external market research to prioritize current target segments (MUSH, Industrial, Commercial) and market opportunity for Federal and non-Federal sectors
- Conducted financial analysis to determine service mix and profitability by segment
- Assessed competitors to identify opportunities to reposition offers and capture incremental share
- Developed clearly defined growth levers with prescriptive guidance to:
- Evolve the sales structure
- Reposition targeting and marketing tactics and messages
- Streamline operating processes
- Leverage contracting vehicles for incremental sales