We’re excited to connect with Beverly Rider, SVP & Chief Commercial Officer – Hitachi, as she shows us the future of IoT and more. @BeverlyDRider #IoTEcosystems
I’m embarking on a two-month, transcontinental journey to explore technologies that will improve lives and help organizations work smarter. Please join me on this whirlwind tour where we will help shape the future of IoT.
I’ve got three key topics I’ll be exploring more deeply. I’d like to hear what’s on your mind, too, so add your comments below.
Maximizing IoT Potential through a Dynamic Ecosystem
We’re all familiar with ecosystems. But, because of the vastness of IoT, its ecosystem cannot be a one-size-fits-all-model. My vision is a dynamic, ever-changing and interrelated collection of public + private partnerships, with start-ups, established telecom and hardware providers, innovation labs and academia, all working together to co-create the best that IoT has to offer.
I will be engaging in healthy dialog with innovative organizations of all sizes and types to gauge our industry’s progress in establishing healthy ecosystems designed to deliver IoT experiences that are meaningful and relevant to consumers and business.
IoT Outcomes on Your Terms
For me, IoT is not about offering technology for technology sake – it’s about using technology in wholistic ways to remove corporate barriers to inspire sharing and adopt change that brings true value to people, businesses, and the world around us. Finding the good in technology requires seeing the IoT world through customers’ eyes, adapting to unique characteristics and missions through co-creation, and personalizing IoT outcomes.
Most industries were not born in the digital era and embracing IoT means transformative business change across the organization. As I collaborate with other IoT influencers in the coming weeks, I will be looking for other role-model companies that think “customer first” and will share great examples with you.
Women in STEM
In the last decade, there has been solid progress in creating career opportunities for women in STEM. Colleges and universities have focused recruiting efforts to draw young women to their institutions to pursue STEM degrees. And, organizations exist to help women network to find great jobs. But, we have a lot more work to do.
I am attending Women4Tech at Mobile World Congress Americas to show my support of women-in-STEM initiatives, the need to develop board-ready female executives, and the importance of effective mentoring programs.
Follow my journey here and on Twitter
@BeverlyDRider !
Article Link: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/shaping-future-iot-beverly-rider/